Campaign statement
Björn Liljeqvist for International Chairman
Mensa needs a fresh new start!
Imagine what Mensa could be, if we put our minds to it. Mensa has a purpose to fill, promoting the value of intelligence and the importance of nurturing the gifted young. A place to gather, to understand and be understood. In its best moments, Mensa is amazing.
International Mensa can make a huge difference by providing infrastructure and common frameworks. Mensa works great when members and groups are free to self-organize. Grand international events like EMAG and AMAG show us a glimpse of what is possible.
Unfortunately, we are not well organized at the international level. Lots of good initiatives get stuck for lack of funding and coordination. A change in the way we do business is urgent.
In many countries we see how Mensa is maturing, becoming more than just a social club. We are also becoming more global and culturally diverse. However, to evolve means to change, and that does not happen by itself. We must work hard to become a bigger and more professionally run organisation. Mensa is young, with bright potential.
The best is yet to come!

Thank you.

Questions from the IBD
Björn Liljeqvist for International Chairman
What do you see as the most important aspect of the role for which you are standing?
The chairman has to take responsibility. Out of many opinions, wills and ideas, a good chairman can create harmony and find a common direction.
A leader must know how to listen. It is through teamwork that we achieve things, and teamwork requires compromise. The chairman may speak first, but will not always get the last word. A chairman and a boss are two different things; a democratic society is not run like a private enterprise.
Mensa is based on a grand idea: That human intelligence is an identifiable good, that should be encouraged and fostered, in children and adults alike, everywhere. The chair has to balance this high principle with the everyday practicalities of managing an organization.
Why have you volunteered for this role, and what in particular qualifies you for it?
Three words: Vision, dedication and competence.
Vision: I see the potential in Mensa. Since I joined in 1991, the aspiration of Mensa has been as important as the social aspect. Sure, we have fun – but to have meaning, there has to be something more. Mensa makes a difference to a lot of people. To live up to this potential, not merely as gifted individuals but also as a collective society, Mensa must grow and also evolve.
Dedication: I have a high work capacity. I took Mensa development to a new level, with more direct engagement in several countries, policy changes and better planning. I will do no less as chairman.
Competence: I know how to do the job. A systems thinker and problem solver, I can focus on the important things from day one, building on my experience from ExComm, IBD and Mensa Sweden.
What do you see as the most important issues facing international mensa at the present time and in the next few years?
It is the next twenty years that we should think about. In the short run, however, three issues stand out in particular.
Internet: Mensa International is a creature of the 1900s. We are lagging behind on online services, crowd sourcing, social media, virtual meetings, competence networks and so on. There is plenty of expertise within Mensa and we should make the most of it.
Administration: Mensa International is understaffed with a growing workload. We have to develop better routines and also recruit many more international volunteers for specific tasks. Increased revenue, from appropriate collaborations, would solve a lot of problems.
Governance: The way IBD and ExComm do business has to become more professional. Clear and simple rules, evenly enforced, is a good start. Most people speak English only as a second or third language, and Mensa is becoming more culturally diverse. This must be reflected in our work.
What do you wish to achieve during your term of office?
- A strategic plan towards the year 2030
- Global member surveys on international Mensa issues
- Better online services for discussion, networking, SIGs, SIGHT, etc
- Twice as many volunteer applications
- Improved decision making procedures
- Efficient, well run business meetings
- A positive spirit of collaboration and teamwork
- Increased awareness of Mensa's purpose as stated in the constitution